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Eiffel Tower in Paddy Fields: Kanzaki, Saga

There is a replica of the Eiffel Tower in Saga. This is a one-fifteenth reduced scale of the real tower which exists in Paris. The replica tower has two extra small towers on both sides of the main tower that was planned for the real tower but never built because of the budget shortage. This excellent architecture was made by the founder of a sheet metal workshop, Mr. Kenji Baba. I went there in April, 2006 during my motorcycle tour. I found it inside some paddy fields, and I parked my bike in front of the factory entrance.

While I was taking pictures of the tower, an old man came up to me and said, “If you want to see it you can enter my factory”. Wow, he was Mr. Baba, and I really enjoyed his artwork up close. He also showed me another work of art, a life-sized Zero fighter in his garage where he works. It was almost a real airplane but had no engine. It was used in the Japanese movie, The Eternal Zero. He is called Saga’s Da Vinci because of his multiple talents, and you should go to Saga to meet him!

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