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You Might Be a Ninja in the Ise-Azuchi Momoyama Cultural Village: Ise, Mie

There are a few memorial theme parks for the Warring States periods in Japan. I visited one of the parks – Ise-Azuchi Momoyama Cultural Village – which has since changed its name to Tomoiki-no-Kuni, Ise Ninja Kingdom, in the winter of 2008. In this park, all of the staff wore old-style Japanese kimono and welcomed us with a very high price: 7500 yen per group. After the entrance gate, there were several buildings, in which they gave us some entertainment shows, like a shooting game, a Japanese haunted house, a playhouse, a Ninja training gym, and so on. We enjoyed many attractions, especially the ninja maze and the ninja training gym. There were various tricks in the gym: hidden rotating walls, an exercise room to throw ninja-stars, a falling ceiling, etc. 

If you are lucky, you can find the Nyan-Mage, which is the costumed mascot of this theme park. He is a white cat with a topknot hairstyle, and he walks all around the park. In the old days, you could run up to him from behind to hug him, but now it is prohibited for his safety. He also performs in some theaters as an actor, so you should check his schedule with a brochure of this park. 
After the Nyan-Mage theater, I moved on to the Azuchi Castle on the top of the hill by a circular bus in the park. It was like a real Japanese-style castle built with reinforced concrete. In the castle, there were man-sized displays of the old battlefields of Okehazama, which was a very famous decisive battle of Oda and Imagawa in 1560. You can find so many mannequins with old Japanese armors. Surprisingly, there were some dolls with blue eyes between many wild soldiers; I guess they were mercenaries from some swanky boutiques. Also, you can enjoy the burning Honnoji Temple on the fourth floor and the golden room on the seventh floor. 
Anyway, this is a huge ninja theme park and there are new attractions with delicious dishes, so please enjoy it all day long. 

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